Pristine Specialist Cleaning - Domestic Carpet Cleaning Services

Carpets are a major investment in any home. And what do we do? We all walk on them, pets take their toll, dust mites and allergens make their home there, waiting to pounce. This all happens over time too, so on a daily basis it is difficult to spot the build up.
Regular, professional cleaning of your carpets can not only help to extend their life but can also help to make for a healthier, more comfortable environment for your family.
Some carpet cleaning processes leave a residue that can lead to rapid re-soiling of your carpets. The systems used by Pristine are carefully chosen not to leave such a residue, making sure that once cleaned by us, your carpets are left fresh, sanitised and stain protected.
To arrange a clean of the carpets and rugs in your home, just call us on the number shown or click in the header of any page to send us an email.